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Summer 2024

Dear friends,

As summer ends and our thoughts turn to football, school, and the High Holy Days, I’m reminded that fall was always my favorite time of year “back home.” Leaves changing colors, temperatures cooling, and the chopping and stocking of firewood. That smell of woodsmoke in the air is something I miss. In Florida, the season change doesn’t bring cooler temperatures, so much as a startling realization that another summer has passed.

Launching our Annual Magazine, “Chai Times,” as well as a re-imagined website, we enter a new year full of hope and growth opportunities. We glance in the rearview, and reflect…while keeping our eyes on the road ahead. What new programs interest us at TBE? Will the Middle East ever see peace? Will we make new friends or lose loved ones? Each day is a chance to start over, walk in gratitude, and be kind to ourselves and others.

I’m choosing to look at Sundays at TBE as “TBE Sundays!” In addition to our Sunday School, we’ll be working alongside Adult Education’s “Brunch Bunch,” the “LEV” program for neuro-diverse Jewish learners, and the “KESHET” program focusing on Israeli culture, the latter brought to us by the Israeli American Council.

2nd Saturdays/Shabbatstock returns in November with “JewGrass Revival” leading services, underwritten by “The Cecilia Lipton Farris Foundation.” We’ll be sharing a new Hannukah Song with you this year! If you know potential sponsors for “Tot Shabbat,” “Friday Night Music,” or “Livestreaming,” let’s talk.

As our security apparatus continues to evolve, this fall you’ll notice we’ve increased the height of the fence in key areas near the playgrounds, thanks to a grant.

If you’d like to get involved, my door is always open. We can always use more help with this or that.

This year, I pray you receive clarity of vision, guidance to help with those tough decisions, faith that it will “all be ok,” and strength to navigate life’s ups and downs.

See you soon,

Jeff Jacob

Spring 2024

May 1, 2024

Hello friends,

As we head into the LONG summer that we typically have in South Florida, I’m reminded how blessed we are to have clean drinking water and bathing water at our disposal. It is such a precious resource and we’re surrounded by it here, but most of us take it for granted. We observe the early stages of a massive water restoration project in the Everglades, and we see drought and forest fires occurring in so many parts of our country and around the globe…and yet, we still take it for granted. 

There is plenty of water…until there is not. You may think running the hot water in your sink and doing your dirty dishes by hand is saving you water and money, rather than using your dishwasher, but the likelihood is that you’re wrong. If your dishwasher is 10 years old or newer, it’s likely far more efficient in your water usage than doing the dishes by hand. Even if you only run it half-full!

Water is essential…we can survive without food far longer than we can survive without water. What are your other essentials besides H20?

For me…let’s see.  (These are NOT in any order of priority.)

  • Air
  • Food
  • Music
  • Family
  • Movement
  • Shelter
  • Books
  • Love
  • Animals (dogs)
  • Livelihood
  • Friends
  • Community (be it spiritual, religious, by hobbies or otherwise)

In regard to the last two, there have been numerous studies done over the years which illustrate the value of friends and community in living a long AND fulfilling life. Community supports us in times of need, celebrates with us in time of joy, gathers together to rise up when a revolution is needed. Here at TBE of Hollywood, we are a community that fulfills different needs at different times. We are one.

As the long, hot summer sets in…think about what your essentials are. 

By the way, while it may not be essential to all of us, we DO have the beach here. If you visit the northern part of Hollywood beach at sunset, perhaps I’ll see you there one evening.



Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785