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How exciting for us to be venturing into a change in the way we communicate – going to our temple website to share our thoughts…Rabbi and Cantor, Preschool and Jewish Learning Center/Youth, Executive Director and President…the columns we hope you’ve read in Connections. And what a perfect time to do it!

Spring and summer are the seasons in which we think of new things happening. The school year is ending, but the new year (whether it will be kindergarten, middle school, high school, or college) is what will quickly be all we can think about. If we garden, it will be less about what we planted, but instead what is now growing (even grass grows faster in summer).

This is a very exciting time for me too. This year, even more than usual, though I’ve always loved spring and summer. As I write this, I am awaiting the surgery that I will have in a couple of weeks in which I’ll be getting new hips! Though not the usual topic any of us would be writing about, I feel compelled. Serving as President of Temple Beth El of Hollywood is such an honor and a privilege for me, but for a while my old hips have prevented me from doing all I wanted to do, both as President and as a member. I can’t imagine a better time to have my surgery than right now when all I can think about is what will be new, and growing, and happening. With my new hips, I will be fully able to join in again in all the wonderful and exciting things our temple offers. At every age, at every time in life, our temple can be where we want to be. I know it is for me, and because I’m missing so much until I have my new hips, I’m feeling appreciation for it even more.

I look forward to being back, and with so many opportunities to do so, I hope you will come join us and I’ll be seeing you soon. 


Sha :)

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784